Dogs on local nature reserves

We want everybody to enjoy our local nature reserves. This includes your dog and the wildlife that live and grow there.

Please keep your dog on a short lead if you visit a reserve during bird-nesting season. This will reduce the impact it has on birds that are nesting on or near the ground. Bird-nesting season runs from 1 March to 31 July.

You must keep your dogs on a lead at all times during bird nesting season at some reserves and Mill Road. More details about these areas can be found on our dog control webpage.

And please remember that your dog can affect wild animals and plants all year round.

  • Many wild animals perceive dogs as predators. This can cause stress and illness and reduce reproduction. It can cause them to leave their homes, which reduces the amount of space in which they can feed, breed and rest.
  • Dogs’ scent can repel some animals. Their nitrate-rich urine and faeces is a threat to some native plants.
  • Tick and flea treatments can pollute water and affect aquatic plants and animals.

So please make the most of our reserves, but do so responsibly and keep close control of your dog.

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